A clear route tracking, easy adjustment to sin, caused by slippage, correcting errors in the road book... Read more
Clear route tracking, easy correction of errors caused by slippage, correcting errors in the road books, adaptation to different tire pressure and calibration under any wheel size, monitoring of compliance with speed limits and average speed. This maximizes the navigator to work on any track and at any speed.
High quality, well thought technical implementation, ease of installation, high dust protection... Read More
High build quality, well-thought technical implementation, ease of installation, high dust and moisture protection – the usage of leadthrough for wires output allows to seal the device for superextreme conditions of use at 100%.
Well-thought ergonomics. All functions is controled by one hot button. Read More
Ergonomics - all operational functions are led to the "hot" button, brightness control is implemented for any light, any function activation at one touch is added- thanks to this it is possible to easily adjust the distance during the race and calibrate Tvertrip without spending extra time.
Hard work allows to release new version and increase the quality... Read More
Hard work at the project allows us to release new versions corresponding to the increasing standards and demands of the professionals. TverTrip team does not plan to stop and will always help you in achieving the goal.
TverTrip is for car, motorcycle and quad competition, which established the route using the road book (other names: roadbuk legend). This rally, the rally of the third category, the trophy-raids and rally-raids.
The 3rd category rally - road competition, taking place wholly or partially on roads open for the public use and includes a number of additional competitions, taking place on public roads.
Rally-raids are more often held in a linear format. The distance is not repeated for the special stages that increases the difficulty of the route.
Trophy raid - a competition to overcome off-road, usually on four-wheel drive vehicles (SUVs), off-road motorcycles, ATVs. As a rule, in the trophy-raids, in contrast to auto racing, the distance time is not so important - you just need to meet the test time. .
The Dakar Rally owns the greatest interest of the audience. Despite pilot threre is a navigator in rally (freight carriages has mechanic also), responsible for navigation.

Congratulations to the winning crew of stage 1 Can-Am X Race!
Irek Minnakhmetov and Evgeny Pavlov won in the category "Absolute"